Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Pokemon Strategy: Using the sun in a double battle team.

Most of my competitive teams are based on one of the four weather types present in Pokémon. Now what I didn't know was that VGC (or the biggest competitive tournament of the year) was doubling battling as opposed to singles, which was what I am used to. So I am now deciding to experiment with a sun team.

Firstly a couple of pointers:
  • I won't be giving my EVs out in case one of you guys wish to battle me.
  • I won't be revealing my item choice unless my pokemon is a mega.  
  • It's an experimental team.
So without futher ado, here is my double battles sun team, thus far:


1. Ninetales:

Source: http://pldh.net/media/dreamworld/038.png

  • Pain Split
  • Sunny Day
  • Toxic
  • Flamethrower
Ninetales in this team has the purpose of bringing up the sun and ensuring that it stays present during the match. Pain Split allows Ninetales to recover. Toxic cripples walls such as Blissy and Chansey thus making it easier for my sweepers to come into play. Since the sun doesn't last permanently in Generation 6, Sunny Day is there to bring the sun back up. Finally flamethrower gets a 50% increase in the sun and stops Ninetales being taunt bait.  

2. Ferrothorn:

Source: http://media.pldh.net/dreamworld/598.png
 Iron Barbs.
  • Stealth Rock.
  • Spikes
  • Curse
  • Seed Bomb
Ferrothorn's job is to set up entry hazards and then turn into a very scary physical tank even being able to withstand a sun boosted hit from Talonflame if done correctly. Not only that but with Iron Barbs, any physical pokemon will be damaged and that's without any damage from recoil and life orbs.

3. Roserade


Source: http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/roserade.jpg

Natural Cure
  • Toxic Spikes
  • Aromatherapy
  • Solar Beam
  • Sunny Day
Roserade's job here is simple. Cure my team of status conditions, set some of it's own up and then put the sun up if need be. Solar Beam is a high power stab move that provides Ninetales with some vital support against the other weather inducers such as Politoad.

4. Garchomp

Rough Skin.
  • Earthquake
  • Swords Dance
  • Fire Fang
  • Rock Slide
Most people would be supprised that Garchomp is on a sun team. However fire fang gets a 50% increase in the sun. Moreover it's stab earthquake will sort out any of Ferrothorns and Roserades checks allowing them to set up their entry hazards with ease. More over by having swords dance on here, Garchomp can turn into this teams physical sweeper.

5. Clefable

Source: http://i.imgur.com/4tmGXH3.png

Magic Guard.
  • Follow Me
  • Soft Boiled
  • Amnesia
  • Dazzling Gleam
Meet live bait. Clephable can't take any damage unless it is from a damaging move. We then get it to use follow me, allowing my sweepers to set up their boosting moves. Moreover this gives Ferrothorn and Roserade the chance to put entry hazards on the field in peace. Soft Boiled is for when Clephable's health is low and Dazzling Gleam is for any dragons that would give Garchomp trouble.

6. Mega-Venasaur:

Source: http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/venusaur-mega.jpg

Thick Fat.
  • Petal Blizzard
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Synthesis
  • Hidden Power Rock
Meet our special sweeper. Petal Blizzard is capable of hitting everybody on the field. Sludge Bomb is a stab move that stops any pesky fairies from giving Garchomp trouble. Hidden Power Rock is for any fire types and synthesis ensures that Venasaur is there as long as possible.
So that is my team. Is anybody wishes to battle me on Pokémon Showdown then my name is happybonnie123. I hope you guys have got a taste into what goes on in my head when I am doing a battle strategy for a team like this.  



Friday, 20 February 2015

Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Pokemon that are cute but can still kick ass.

I love pokemon and I have recently got into competitive battling. I also love cute things as seen in my blog's title so it made sense for my first top 5 to do cute and competitive pokemon. Firstly some ground rules:

  1. A pokemon's kick ass ability will be in relation to the tier that it will battling in. For example if we refer to the Pokémon I spoke about Monday, Horsea ( please refer to http://kawaiiandkute.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/battling-with-cuties-horsea.html) it may be brilliant in Little Cup but it wouldn't hold its own as well against a Mega pokemon.
  2. They must be cute.
  3. No additional pokemon mechanics (contests, pokeathlons, etc.) will be considered. Those lists will come at a later date.
  4. It isn't any particular order since they all do different roles in competitive play.
So without further ado, here is my top 5 cute pokemon that can still kick ass.

5. Azumarill

Picture Source: http://i.imgur.com/UUojOSj.jpg


Azumarill was a pokemon highly disregarded until generation 6 (the time when Pokémon X and Y came out) however generation 6 introduced fairy typing which has became this pokemon's biggest blessing. Firstly I have to talk about it's versaltility in competitive battling, and let us start with the fact that this can work in either singles or doubles. Single battling takes advantage of Huge Power, which followed by a belly-drum/ aqua jet combination turns this little bunny rabbit into the one of the most formidable sweepers in OU at the moment. Double battling takes advantage of either Huge Power or Azumarill's Hidden Ability Sap Sipper. So how does sap sipper work?

Let's say you have a team where Azumarill is your main physical sweeper and Venusaur is your main special sweeper. You could simply teach Venusaur petal blizzard. Now Petal blizzard is a move that hits everybody is double battles including your ally. Now normally if your ally is a water type then this is bad news due to the fact that unless your water type has incredibly high special bulk then they would most likely be knocked out in the process, however Azumarill has Sap Sipper which means any grass moves directed to it will raise it's attack stat by one stage. This means that whilst Venuasaur is inflicting damage to your opponents Azumarill is getting some nice attack boosts free of charge.

With thanks tor Rawsquid on Pokémon Showdown for allowing me to test it.

 4.  Shuckle

Picture Source: http://pokemon.supercheats.com/artwork/213.png
Shuckle is the complete opposite in terms of roles of a competitive team to Azumarill. Shuckle is a cute adorable wall. With based defence and special defence of a whooping 230 each. That increases even more thanks to shell smash on a contrary Shuckle. Nothing will OHKO this thing. NOTHING. Not only that but it has some brilliant support moves. It has access to 2 entry hazzards (stelth rock and sticky web), toxic for status and infestation for damage and trapping power. Just look at the cute adorable face of DEATH.

 3. Spheal

Image Source: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/343/b/a/happy_spheal_by_stayeend-d5nhk3i.png
Look at him. Isn't he so Kawaii!!!! Cuteness aside, this little ball of aww turns into ahh as soon as Hail comes into play. Spheal and his whole evolutionary line are argued to be the best hail stallers in the game. Here's how it works:

  1. Spheal's ability must be ice body.
  2. Give your Spheal leftovers to hold.
  3. Have a pokemon on your team that can bring up hail easily. In Little Cup snover is perfect for this.
  4. Set up a substitute on your first go.
  5. Then if you haven't got toxic spikes on your opponents side of the field, go for a toxic.
  6. Then alternate between Subsitutes and protects, with the odd occasional blizzard.
  7. Bring in the snow again if need be.
  8. Watch your opposition die! All because of this ball of adorableness.
Yeah, let's say I'm experimenting with a hail team now.

2. Pikachu:

Picture Source: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140410195944/pokemon/images/archive/f/fc/20150101093541!025Pikachu_OS_anime_5.png

Now most people see this guy as the cute pokemon mascot. Then somebody decided to give this guy a light ball, an item that doubles pikachu attack and special attack. Now you have a pokemon that is actually more commonly used than his evolutionary counterpart in competitive play. Not to mention that his hidden ability lightening rod is a godsend for a double battle rain team.

1. Chansey


Picture Source: http://pldh.net/media/dreamworld/113.png

Once upon a time there was a pokemon that by making it happy became on of the biggest walls in competitive play. Then somebody inventred an item known as the eviolite. An item which increases a pokemon's defence and special defence by 50% if they can evolve and thus the pokemon said goodbye to it's evolutionary form whilst it went to OU. There is no doubt that chansey and Blissy are 2 of the best special walls and unless you have a fighting type pokemon it is very difficult to eliminate them both.
If you want to battle me on Pokémon Showdown then my name is happybonnie123. I look forward to beating you all with my Spheal army of death. 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Film Thursday: BIG HERO 6.

When was the last time you went to the Cinema? Ok when was the last time you went to the cinema to see a family friendly motion picture? Ok... when was the last time you watch a family friendly motion picture that made you laugh one minute and blub the next? For me it was Big Hero 6.

Now reviewing Big Hero 6 without spoilers is without a doubt a huge challenge. But I will endevor to update the review with regards to the plot at a later date to make it fair to everybody.

I think the first thing I must touch upon is the movie's song. Now I'm not going to lie, when I heard Fall Out Boy was going to do a song for a Disney film, the brows were raged. I am a huge fan of Fall Out Boy but I didn't think that a band that sang about one night stands was appropriate. Then I heard the song in the film and I ate my words. Now I am happily sat typing this review whilst playing this song on full blast. No, this songs, alongside the soundtrack in general is absoultly fantastic and Fall Out Boy, the lyrics do this song so much justice.  If you don't believe me then feel free to listen to the official video below ( with thanks to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9PxOanFjxQ)

Plotwise it is very cleverly done. There are moments where you will laugh. Then you'll find yourself 10 minutes crying your eyes. Also the Red Herring's in relation to the villain are absolutely brilliantly done. Trust me, neither me or my friend saw the villain's identity coming.

I think the reason most people enjoy the film though is because of the enviroments. I can personally say that this is one of the most gorgeous 3D environments in animation. I reference to the picture of Sanfransokyo below.


The characters are also very well established and each one has a different back story. I personally like how each of the Big Hero 6's super powers refers back to their projects at the start of the film.

So my overall opinion. SEE THIS FILM. Even if you think Disney is the equivalent of satan, see this film. I would even push to say it is better than Frozen and if it isn't nominated for the Oscars next year, I want answers.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Battling with the cuties: Horsea

I love Pokémon. I love anything Kawaii. So I decided that every Monday I would do a little battle strategy with a cute Pokémon each week. So today's episode as mentioned in the title is Horsea. In case you don't play Pokémon, this is what Horsea looks like:

Source:  http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/015/1/5/horsea_by_blackvictini-d4mfium.png

The great thing about Horsea is not only is it absolutely adorable but it can also be a really good rain sweeper in the Little Cup. EV wise: You want 200 in Special Attack, 196 in speed and 112 in special Defence. Nature wise you want a Modest one.


  • Surf: It has base 90 power, 100% accuracy and will be Horsea's main move of choice. It is very capable of knocking people such as Abra and thus eliminating some of the biggest threats.
  • Signal Beam: There are 2 types of Pokémon that Horsea does not like. Grass types and Electric types. Signal Beam enables Horsea to gain some coverage over grass types.
  • Hidden Power Ground: This move is to establish coverage against the electric types can give Horsea some trouble.
  • Dragon Pulse: This is another high hitter move. Also if you want to evolve your Horsea into a Kingdra then you'll have a stab move ready.


There are several options here. Personally I would either go choice specs or Life orb.

  • Choice Specs: This provides an 50% increase to all of Horsea's (as well as any Special Sweepers) moves. However you are locked into one move until you either switch or faint.
  • Life Orb: This provides an 30% increase to all attacking moves however your Pokémon will lose 10% of HP each time it attacks.  

Pokémon that work well with Horsea

  • Chinchou: This pokemon has Volt Absorb which heals Chinchou and gives Horsea some momentum.
  • Onix: It has really good physical bulk and its ground typing means that if you predict an electric type move then you can switch because Ground Types are immune to electric type attacks.
  • Goomy: Goomy has 2 really good abilities that could work on a rain team with Horsea. Sap Sipper allows Goomy to raise its attack and make Goomy immune to grass types move (one of Horsea's weakness). Another ability that would work is Hydration which removes statuses on Goomy at the end of each turn for as long as it is raining.

Some Pokémon Terms that I mentioned that some people may not understand:

  • Sweeper: Any Pokémon with high Attack or Special Attack stats with either good bulk (HP, Defence, Special Defence) or a High Speed stat. In competitive play, their purpose is to faint all the pokemon on the opposite team.
  • Rain Sweeper: Any Sweeper that can take advantage of the weather type known as rain in Pokémon. They do this via taking advantages of some of the bonuses that occur in the rain only such as a 50% increase in Water type moves, doubling of speed to any Pokémon with the ability Swift Swim and Healing Pokémon with the ability Rain Dish.
  • Little Cup: One of the 7 tiers established by Smogon. In order to qualify, the Pokémon is it's basic form and must be able to evolve. All Pokémon in this tier are level 5 to promote fairness.
  • Special Sweeper: Any sweeper that uses special moves and takes advantages of a Pokémon's high Special Attack stat.
  • Nature: A pokemon's personality. Certain natures increase and decrease certain stats.
  • EVs: Hidden points that occur whenever a Pokémon battles. Competitive trainers know how to manipulate this stat.

I hope you have learnt a lot today. If anybody wants me to do a battle strategy for their cutest Pokémon then comment.  Also what else do you guys want me to write about on this blog? Comment with suggestions.


Sunday, 15 February 2015

My must buys: Earrings.

I don't normally wear jewellery but I am a big sucker for adorable earrings. Anything cute and cheap and I've parted with my pennies in a shot. So here are so of my best buys of which will all make you go Kawaii!!!

Cupcake Earrings from Something Kawaii

kawaii Cupcake Drop EarringsThese are completely adorable. They are £5.95 per pair and come in 3 different options. I personally want the ones in the purple cupcake cases because of the little blueberries in them.

If you want to buy them then the link is here: http://somethingkawaii.co.uk/kawaii-cupcake-drop-earrings-p-345.html

Vaporeon Earrings by

Anybody who knows me knows that I am a huge pokemon fan. So imagine my joy when I found a pair of earrings with my favourite Eevee evolution. The detailing on them is absolutely fabulous and they are only £4.00! That's a large Frap at Starbucks.

Pink Lolly Pop Drop Earrings from Claire's Accessories



What is better than Kawaii earrings? How about Kawaii earrings that are only £3. I love how the candy pink colour will go with a pair of Doc Martin's that I am living in at the moment. I also adore the little smiley faces, especially when my catch phrase at the moment seems to be 'smiley face'. Can they get any better? Yeah Claire's are offering 3 for 2 on loads of their earrings including some cupcake ones designed by Katy Perry! If you want to buy these then the link is: http://www.claires.co.uk/pink-lolly-drop-earrings/shop/fcp-product/20044

Doughnut Earrings from Blippo.

Have a guess how much these earrings cost? About £4-£5, would have been my guess. What if I was to tell you that these were £1.41 with free UK delivery? Now the price is a massive bonus considering that you have the adorable design. Not only that but the fact these are studs make these really versatile. If you are like me and really want to buy these then the link is: http://www.blippo.com/other-products/beauty-accessories/kawaii-earrings/doughnut-earrings-style-1.html.

So that's it. 4 pairs of Kawaii earrings for less than £15. Don't forget to follow me on my twitter. My Twitter name is @cREWllypenguin2 (the link to my page is https://twitter.com/cREWllypenguin2 so you should just be able to follow me if you are already on Twitter). If you want me to rip apart Children's Television Shows then feel free to read my 2nd blog Little-Miss-Toon (https://littlemisstoon.wordpress.com/).


Friday, 13 February 2015

Tasty Cuteness for Valentines

I hate Valentine's Day. But if there is one thing that are somewhat convert me then it is cute edible valentines day items. These are some of the most Kawaii.


The Love Bug Donut: From Krispy Kreme


I was complete awe when I first saw these. They are heart shaped donuts filled with strawberry jam (the best kind in my opinion) dipped in red icing and decorated by hand to look like a ladybird. I'll be honest, if I wasn't at work tomorrow, I would be buying myself a box.


Milk Chocolate Teddy Bear from Thorntons

I love chocolate. I adore Teddy Bears. So what is better than a chocolate teddy bear? A chocolate teddy bear with your name on it. It's totally adorable and it's £12.00! Totally worth every penny!

 Chocolate Ladybirds from Wing It Vegan:

 I am personally not a vegan. I was most attracted to these because let's face it, they are absolutely adorable! However I understand that if you other half is vegan, your not going to be able to buy any of the other Kawaii foods. Also this is ideal if you fancy making your love ones a gift this year. If you do fancy making these little love bugs (which I will if I can access the ingredients) then the link is  http://www.wingitvegan.com/2011/02/theyre-heeeere-vegantines-day.html.

Puppy Love Pops

I love baking. I loves cakes. I adore dogs. So imagine my joy when I found these cuties. The best thing? They are really easy to make. The link to the recipe is here: http://hoosierhomemade.com/valentines-cupcakes-puppy-love-pops/.

Oreo Lovers Treat Gift-box from Moreton Gifts

Anybody who knows me, knows that Oreo's are my biggest vice. I pretty much race to the vending machine in order to buy some during work. So imagine my happiness levels when I saw this. It's 2 packs of normal Oreos, 2 packs of Oreos with chocolate cream, 1 packet of mini Oreos and to finish this packet of heaven a huge bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk with Oreo. I was screaming at this aspect but do you know the best bit? It's only £4.99 with free delivery from Amazon!!! I will most likely have one of these delivered back to my flat. I can love myself on Valentine's Day right? Right?
If you are like me and are willing to part with some of your money for heaven then the link to buy this box is as follows: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oreo-Lovers-Treat-Box-Chocolate/dp/B00KQWR1ZE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1423855067&sr=8-3&keywords=oreos#productDetails.

So that's it guys. Some delicious and Kawaii treats for your loved one ready for tomorrow or you could just treat yourself. Because let's face it, some of these are just too cute to share.